Guide: Explore Evmos Assets Dashboard

3 min readFeb 1, 2023
Evmos Assets Dashboard

IBC/ERC20 converting is one of the unique features of Evmos, implemented by ERC20 module, which allows protocols to seamlessly integrate with Evmos and the Cosmos ecosystem.

This guide is for more users to better learn about the Evmos Assets Dashboard, including IBC/ERC20 converting.


1. Deposit Ethereum/EVM Assets

Connect Metamask wallet and click ‘DEPOSIT’ button of the asset you want to deposit. It will open a new page of the bridge by Axelar.

You can fill in the destination address (Evmos IBC address) manually with only Metamask connecting, or autofill by Keplr wallet connecting.

The assets you bridged through to Evmos will be converted to ERC20 automatically from IBC.

2. Deposit IBC Assets

If depositing ATOM/OSMOS/JUNO, etc., it will be done through IBC transfer.

If depositing axlUSDC/axlWETH/axlWBTC from IBC, it will be similar to depositing Ethereum/EVM assets. The main difference is that you should connect Keplr wallet, the wallet for Cosmos ecosystem.


The assets on Evmos can be converted freely between ERC20 and IBC.


  1. If withdrawing ATOM/OSMO/JUNO, etc., it will be done through IBC transfer.

2. If withdrawing axlUSDC/axlWETH/axlWBTC, etc., the assets should be converted to IBC assets first and then be bridged to Ethereum/EVM through with Keplr wallet connecting.

Special Reminder

You can use Cosmostation wallet which is compatible with both Cosmos and EVM, to connect only one wallet instead of connecting both Keplr and Metamask wallet. Keplr wallet may also be fully compatible with EVM in the future.

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SpaceFi is a cross-chain web3 platform on Evmos and zkSync, with DEX+NFT+Starter+Spacebase as initial product. The first project to connect Cosmos and Layer2 ecosystem.

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