Guide:Explore SpaceFi Era-1: Farmer

2 min readApr 13, 2023


Explore SpaceFi Era Campaign Series!

It’s a way to deeply explore both #zkSyncEra and SpaceFi: DEX+Farm+NFT+Spacebase+Launchpad.

More reserved incentive will be allocated to adopters on mainnet, who grow with us.

Badge-1: Farmer


STEP 1: Add ETH/USDC, SPACE/USDC, or SPACE/ETH liquidity in (Simply add an LP)

STEP 2: Deposit your LP in on zkSync Era network

1. click“Enable Contract”
2. stake LP

STEP 3: Complete all the tasks on the galxe to claim the Farmer Badge!


About Max Gas Issue:
Some spacers may have Max Gas Issue in Metamask which may cause it exceed the balance and failures. The main reason is the gas fee setting issue in ‘Advanced gas controls’. You can try the following methods to fix it: Method

A: You can close the ‘Advanced gas controls’ (Metamask > Setting > Advanced). Method

B: Keep the ‘Advanced gas controls’ open and edit the gas parameters. And uncheck the box ‘Save these new values as my default for Advanced’.

Max base fee: 0.25

Max priority fee: 0.25

Gas limit: 3295043 (or higher if needed)




The DeFi hub on zkSync Era and zkRollups with DEX+NFT+Spacebase+Launchpad, exploring the Layer2 ecosystem.