Guide: SpaceFi Farm, Evmos Bridge and Assets Dashboard

3 min readMar 3, 2023


SpaceFi Farm

Since SpaceFi whole product and the 1M Evmos Liquidity Incentive launching on 02.21, the liquidity has been growing. This Guide is for community to learn about how to easily use Evmos Assets Dashboard and Axelar Bridge, to better participate in SpaceFi’s farm and other products.

Incentivized Assets: axlUSDC, axlWETH, axlWBTC, ATOM, OSMO, JUNO, SPACE

1. How to Buy $EVMOS

(1) CEXs:

You can buy $EVMOS on or, and then withdraw it through EVMOS (ETH/ERC20) network to an ERC20 address in your Metamask to use it on SpaceFi.

Sometimes, if the CEXs limits the withdraw of EVMOS through EVMOS (ETH/ERC20) network, you can withdraw it through EVMOS (EVMOS) network to an EVMOS address and it will automatically be converted to EVMOS (ETH/ERC20) asset.

The address of Evmos chain has two forms: ERC20 and EVMOS, which are the same one. You can search your EVMOS (ETH/ERC20) address in Mintscan and click the ‘Switch Button’ to check the EVMOS address.

Mintscan Explorer

(2) DEXs:

You can also buy $EVMOS on SpaceFi or Osmosis.

You can also claim a little $EVMOS as gas fee in

2. How to Bridge Assets in / out of Evmos

(1) If only using Metamask (mainly for EVM users)

If only using Metamask, you can bridge USDC/ETH/wBTC from Ethereum to Evmos as ERC20 assets, through Axelar Bridge. You need to fill in your EVMOS (EVMOS) address (not the ERC20 address) in the ‘Destination Address’. The assets you bridged in Evmos will be converted to ERC20 automatically, so that you can use it in metamask.

Axelar Bridge: Satellite

How to find the EVMOS (EVMOS) address of your ERC20 address in Metamask?

The address of Evmos chain has two forms: ERC20 and EVMOS, which are the same one. You can search your EVMOS (ETH/ERC20) address in Mintscan and click the ‘Switch Button’ to check the EVMOS address.

Mintscan Explorer

(2) If using both Keplr and Metamask

Click ‘DEPOSIT’ button on Evmos Assets Dashboard, and follow the steps as required. With Keplr connecting, you can deposit axlUSDC, axlWETH, axlWBTC, ATOM, OSMO, JUNO. The assets you bridged in Evmos will be converted to ERC20 automatically, so that you can use it in metamask.

Evmos Assets Dashboard

(3) Bridging out of Evmos

A. Withdraw axlUSDC, axlWETH, axlWBTC:

Firstly, You need to convert axlUSDC, axlWETH, axlWBTC from ERC20 to IBC assets on Evmos Assets Dashboard (click the ‘CONVERT’ button). Then click the ‘WITHDRAW’ button and follow the steps required.

B. Withdraw ATOM, OSMO, JUNO:

Click the ‘WITHDRAW’ button and follow the steps required as the above.

3. Farm in SpaceFi

SpaceFi farm supports LP Bonding and Multiple Rewards pools. You can also try the whole products of SpaceFi.

SpaceFi Farm

🪐 About SpaceFi

SpaceFi is a cross-chain web3 platform on Evmos and zkSync, with DEX+NFT+Starter+Spacebase as initial product. The first project to connect Cosmos and Layer2 ecosystem.

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The DeFi hub on zkSync Era and zkRollups with DEX+NFT+Spacebase+Launchpad, exploring the Layer2 ecosystem.