SpaceFi NFT Mint and IDO Guide! August 10th

5 min readJul 27, 2022

Spacers, finally our Planet NFT Mint and IDO on Evmos mainnet is set to start from August 10th! We have created this guide for you to know exactly how the process will work and ensure you are ready to participate in this event.


  1. SpaceFi will first launch on Evmos mainnet and then on zkSync mainnet. Learn more about What is SpaceFi building on Evmos and zkSync.
  2. Planet NFT Minting will support double payment: EVMOS and USDC (multichain):

EVMOS: You can buy EVMOS on Huobi or MEXC, and transfer EVMOS (erc20) to your metamask wallet. Or you can buy EVMOS on Osmosis, and use IBC transfer to convert it into Evmos chain in keplr wallet.

USDC (multichain): You can use Multichain to bridge a sufficient amount of USDC into Evmos. Transferring USDC (Ethereum) to USDC (Evmos) now is cheap and fast, sometimes even 0.5$ gas fee and 1 minute, with no crosschain fee. You can check it on Multichain.

When you transfer USDC (Evmos) to USDC (Ethereum) in Multichain, crosschain fee is 0.1 % and minimum crosschain fee is 40 USDC. So we recommand that you calculate the right amount of USDC you need to mint NFT.

As Nomad incident, madUSDC is not aviliable in Evmos now. We took a poll in community and decide to use USDC (Multichain) to mint NFT. Bringing new USDC into Evmos will also help the ecosystem to move forward.

Phase 1: Planet NFT Mint

Planet NFT is a pass in the SpaceFi ecosystem, containing lots of STAR assets and different utilities: (check SpaceFi NFT Ecosystem)

  • You can use USDC (before mainnet) and STAR (after mainnet) to mint Planet NFTs, which contain STAR assets with a 105%-150% multiplier randomly. For example, if you use 2500STAR to mint a Planet NFT, the NFT may contain 3500 STAR asset (with a 140% multiplier).
  • You can use Common Planet NFTs to mint Unique Planet and Exclusive STAR Sign NFTs, gaining a 105%-150% multiplier with each upgrade.
  • You can stake Planet NFTs to farm STAR token, earning higher rewards than regular farming.
  • You can get various bonuses for NFTs holders, including minting fee, trading fee, spacebase fee and validator commision.
  • You can sell Planet NFTs to get a premium for scarcity.
  • You can use Planet NFTs to creat and vote on proposals, after SpaceFi governance is launched.

After SpaceFi mainnet launch, you’ll need 2500 STAR (or more) to mint a Common Planet NFT. Every 8 different Common Planet NFTs can be used to mint a Unique Planet NFT. Every 5-10 different Unique Planet NFTs can be used to mint an Exclusive STAR Sign NFT.

Private Mint (whitelist) and Public Mint:

Time: 2022.08.10 11:00 UTC — 15:00 UTC (private, WL; Time could be extended); 2022.08.10 15:00 UTC—TBD (public)

Amount: 1000 Common Planet NFTs (private, WL); 3000 Common Planet NFTs (public)

Required Currency: EVMOS or mulUSDC on Evmos (bridge: Multichain)

Price: 50 USDC, per NFT (private, WL); 60 USDC, per NFT (public)

NFT Asset: Basic asset, 2500 STAR per NFT; with a 105% — 150% multiplier randomly, 2625 STAR — 3750 STAR per NFT.

(After mainnet, more STAR will be required to mint a Common Planet NFT)

Equivalent STAR Price: 0.0133–0.019 USDC (private, WL); 0.016–0.0228 USDC (public)

Single Address Limit: Every WL can mint up to 20 Common Planet NFTs in Private Mint. No limit in Public Mint. First come, first served.

During NFT minting, you can use Common Planet NFTs to mint Unique Planet NFTs and Exclusive STAR Sign NFTs. NFT staking and Space Marketplace will be enabled after SpaceFi official mainnet launching.

(This is a initial plan that can be adjusted based on community’s feedback and minting process)

Phase 2: STAR Token IDO

After Planet NFT mint, you’ll be able to buy STAR token at its initial price on SpaceFi Starter. This won’t be a large amount, and mainly for community incentives and initial liquidity. SpaceFi tokenomics combines DEFI and NFT, with token emission and deflation mechanism. (Check SpaceFi Tokenomics)


We’ll announce the IDO date and details depending on the progress of NFT Minting.

Phase 3: Mainnet Launching

After SpaceFi mainnet launch, NFT staking, marketplace and bonus will be enabled. You can also claim STAR and unspent USDC on Starter. Farming, trading, minting NFTs, creating Spacebases will all go live with SpaceFi mainnet launch.

How to be whitelisted:

Whitelists will be mainly allocated to contributors and long-term stakeholders in community, which can be used in both NFT Mint and IDO. There’re three ways to get a whitelist:

1. Join SpaceFi NFT Mint and IDO whitelist Event. Some eligible participants will be granted whitelists.

2. Delegate $EVMOS to validator in Space validator website or Evmos official website. We’ll grant some whitelists for delegators.

3. There’ll be more whitelist events in SpaceFi discord and twitter. Stay tuned.

How to participate:

1. Planet NFT Mint

When it’s open on mainnet, you’ll be able to check your whitelist and mint Plant NFT on Space NFT page.

2. STAR Token IDO

In Space Starter, you can participate in IDO to buy STAR at initial price.

🪐 About SpaceFi

SpaceFi is a cross-chain web3 platform on Evmos and zkSync, with DEX+NFT+Starter+Spacebase as initial product. The first project to connect Cosmos and Layer2 ecosystem.

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The DeFi hub on zkSync Era and zkRollups with DEX+NFT+Spacebase+Launchpad, exploring the Layer2 ecosystem.